Friday, April 30, 2010

What Mary's been up to...

Mary started aquatic therapy a couple months ago and loves her "swim class." The Rehabilitation Center for Neurological Development in Piqua has the Mac Daddy of all adaptive swimming pools. It's a huge pool, heated to 90 degrees, fully equipped with a ramp (rather than steps) to get in the water...they even have a wheelchair that they can roll clients right in if needed.

Once Mary's in the water, she does activities to build strength and endurance. In the picture below, she's actually walking on an underwater treadmill. I didn't even know such devices existed!
Below, she's walking (unassisted) with styrofoam free weights to her "pleasant on the eyes" instructor, Jason. Perk for Mary! In just a few short sessions (1/2 hr, once a week), Jason already has Mary able to float on her back (no small feat to get the muscles of her body to relax enough to do this) and she's working on swimming. Real swimming. Mary comes home excited about her class, but exhausted from working so hard. It's a very cool thing and I thank Grandma & Grandpa Trittschuh for finding this place and even taking her to her classes every week. This is big stuff!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

News in Photos

Houston, we have a cheerleader!

And she's just a little psyched. And then we had Easter. It was lovely and Beth even made her first communion (which we have NO pictures of thanks to my forgetfulness. Boo!). What a special day. There's lots of changes going on with the family. I should have plenty to blog about over the next few months. :-) Until then.......