Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just Words

I found out today that a very good friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer right before Christmas. While I realize that this is in NO WAY a death sentence, I can't help but to be devastated for her. She's very young, the picture of health and had no history of breast cancer in her family. She's a wife, mother of two girls - ages 10 & 8, an all around wonderful person, my assistant cheer coach and my friend. My heart breaks for her.

What do you say when a friend delivers news like that? I'm sorry? I'm here for you? What can I do to help? While we all mean well, they are just words. Really, I want to cry and tell her that it's okay to be REALLY pissed at a lousy situation. The surgery is going to SUCK, chemo can make you sick, and the radiation may burn, but in the end, this all may help her lead a very long, happy, healthy life.

So, I ended up responding those very words above of sympathy and an offer to help in any way I can. But I just couldn't leave it at that. I ran over to the store and bought her the goofiest, non-sensical card that I could find in the hopes that it will do nothing else but make her smile...and possibly wonder if I'm on drugs.

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