Monday, November 9, 2009

Chicks 'N Peeps

At least once a year, the ladies in Matt's family all get together for some shopping, drinking and belly laughs. We lovingly refer to ourselves as the Whittington Chicks (a term that I believe was brought about by a drunken karaoke rendition of "Earl Had to Die" by the Dixie Chicks.) Ladies, correct me if I'm wrong on this one!

This weekend, we were able to get our ever-growing group together (minus Amanda and Lisa) :-( and knocked out another great get-together. We laughed at the rapid expansion this year of the next generation of Whittington Chicks, or Peeps, as we decided that they too need a name until they earn their "Chick" right of passage some day. (We've had 4 baby girls born in the last 12 mos. with one more due in a few weeks!) It's good to know that our beer drinkin, loud talkin', overspendin' tradition will be secure with the next generation. Woooo hooo!!


Anita said...

An awesome bunch of women if I do say so myself!!

Kim said...

Ahhh, discription is right on!! Long live the Chick!