Thursday, November 27, 2008

What a week!

I know that I've really dropped the ball in blogging this week, but I've been CRAZY busy.

We have had a good week though. Saturday, we went to Grandma Trittschuh's to make homemade noodles, so that was a lot of fun. We kneaded and cranked and were covered in flour - it was perfect. Well, except for the nasty habit Aunt Di has passed along to my girls on a noodle day many years ago...who eats raw noodle dough?! Ick, that's gross!! That's raw egg my kids now love to eat! I tell you what, if my kids come down with intestinal worms they can go stay with Aunt Di and let her love on them while she's cleaning up their puke! (Sorry for the lovely visual there gang.)

Aunt Kim used to tease the girls by telling them that kneading the dough is how you get big boobs. I'm guessing we worked hard enough for at least a cup size that day Aunt Kim! We ended up with A BUNCH of noodles.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Big boobs come from kneading noodles and drinking the foam off the top of a beer. I'll save the second tid bit of information until they are older! Auntie Kim