Monday, May 4, 2009

March for Babies

Many of you were kind enough to donate to my recent March of Dimes campaign - thank you! For those interested, this was the team I put together this year.

Working for a construction company, it's only fitting that we wear the "safety green" t-shirts when we are out in the community. That, and it helps my new walkers find us amid the hundreds of people out there on walk-day. Shook's presence was certainly known!

I am so proud of my co-workers for joining the cause, my company for allowing me to put this together, and my friends and family for the ongoing support I get year after year. I turned in a team envelope with over $8K in it last Saturday! See...together, we ARE making a difference!


mandyrhea said...

What a great picture! You should be proud of yourself

Jackie said...

What a team! Great job!

Kim said...

Aren't you just something! Congrats..Good job!