Thursday, April 30, 2009

Momentous Day at the Trittschuh's

Beth got braces!

I feel that she is quite possibly the cutest metal mouth on the planet.

And finally, FINALLY we got our washer and dryer!

We ending up choosing a top loading system instead of the front-loaders. This new Cabrio pair is high efficiency, super capacity (it's actually bigger inside than the front loaders), and we didn't have to buy pedestals. Never have I been so excited to fold laundry. And FYI, we did several weeks worth of laundry for a family of 5 in 5 hours tonight! How awesome is that?!


Anonymous said...
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mandyrhea said...

Love it! Great pic! And how exciting to have new toys! Enjoy the novelty of it while it lasts

Corinne said...

Beth definately has a beautiful "brace face". And she even looks happy!

Kim said...

Big day at the Trittschuh's!! How can Beth look so cute in braces, I don't remember looking so cute when I had them! And the Washer and Dryer!!!!!! Yea!!! High capacity, only way to go!! Life is good! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, looking good!!!! Take care of those braces... no gum!