Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh Mary....

Here's a little recreation from our house Tuesday night...

Setting: My eight year old, Mary, is working on homework, sitting at the bar in our kitchen. She has a packet of papers that is due on Friday that she works on a little every day. She's been working for a bit at this point...

Mary, growing weary of doing homework, throws herself back in her chair and says, "Mom, can I be done?"

"Let me see...good job, but can you do just one more page?"

She picks herself back up to the bar, gives a deep sigh and says under her breath....."damn."

She didn't say it to get a rise out of me. She was just disappointed and that's what came out of her mouth. As much as I hate to admit it, my daughter is a casual swearer. Lovely. Even worse; I'm not that upset over it. There are worse things right?! Heck, Matt thinks it's hilarious. I told him that if I EVER get a phone call from the school telling me that they have Mary in the office that HE is going to be the one to go talk to the principal - not me. In the meantime, I guess I'll try to keep my little pottymouth away from the other kids.....


Jackie said...

Hmmm... Wonder where she picked that up from? ha ha - that actually cracks me up! If sweet Mary is saying... Damn, I can only imagine the colorful language that will eventually come out of John's mouth. ha ha!

Kim said...

I do not understand this language from our kids. Kate dropped the F-bomb when she was about that age. TV is such a bad influence as I'm sure neither of our girls heard this kind of talk at home!!! That DAMN Dora!

mandyrhea said...

Damn, can't imagine where THAT came from (wink)